Ethan Bradford Barrett
Front-end web developer and designer based in Denver, CO.
Specializing in custom Wordpress development and progressive web applications built in JavaScript.
Professionally creating on the web since 2011, I come from an art and design background. I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from "Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design," with an emphasis in Photo / Video and Sculpture.
Key Skills
Front-End Web Development
Specializing in an inclusive approach to web development, I create user-focused, responsive and performance-first websites and applications. I use semantic HTML and progressive enhancements in CSS and JavaScript to ensure the best experience and accessibility.
What does that mean to you?
That means I use best practices for the web to increase SEO (search engine optimiziation), faster page speeds, backwards compatiblitity, and overall better experience for your users.
Team Management, Leadership, and Consultancy
Whether it is consulting businesses on best practices for their website, or training teams about technology and services, I have a proven track record of clear communication and effective management.
List of Technical Skills
Accessibility and Browser Compatibility
A11y, BrowserStack
NetlifyCMS, Squarespace, Wordpress
Design Tools
Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, Sketch
Developer Tools
Firefox Developer Tools, Google DevTools
Bootstrap, Divi, React, Sage, Vue
Apache, DigitalOcean, Google Firebase, Netlify, Nginx, Serverpilot
Operating Systems
Linux, MacOS
Query Languages
Static Site Generators
Eleventy, Gatsby, Gridsome
Scripting Languages
Javascript, PHP
Text Editor
VS Code
Version Control
Git, Github, Bitbucket
Other Skills
Airtable, AJAX, CSS3, Gulp, HTML5, JQuery, JSON, Node.js, NPM, oAuth, REST API, Sass, XML, Yarn
Personal Setup
A more complete description of my development envirornment can be found at ando.netlify.com
I use Hyper as my terminal and Visual Studio Code as my IDE. Hyper is configured with an Oh-My-Zsh setup and a Powerlevel10K theme, and both Hyper and VS Code use a color syntax theme called New Moon.
I use DejaVu Sans Mono for my command-line font, because it has great glyph support, and Victor Mono for my text editor font. It supports ligatures and has a nice cursive italic font, similar to Dank Mono or Fira Code.
My favorite browser is Firefox Developer Editon because of it's excellent new DevTools and security. I also have incredible respect for the Mozilla Developer team, and the people like Jen Simmons that make Mozilla so amazing.